Spirit Week – Part 1
We just finished spirit week here at Faith Academy Mindanao. It was a lot of fun! I have a feeling this post will contain many pictures so I may make it more than 1 post.
We first had team color day and I was helping with the yellow team. I didn’t get a picture of myself, but here’s one of my team. I had students from kinder through grade 8.
Monday was sports day. I decided to dress like a runner (not super creative but that’s what I was able to do). 🙂
Here are some of the students on my team.
Tuesday was favorite character day. Another teacher let me share her idea and dress up like a minion. I couldn’t see too well through my mask. The kids were creative, but I didn’t get as many pictures this day due to my mask.
Here are two of the girls on my team.
Wednesday was season/weather day. I dressed up like a thunder cloud with lightning.
We had lots of creative ideas on this day. Here are the four seasons (baby sister joined for this one too).
Here we have the news reporters for the storm and a few ideas for the rainy day look.
Here’s the rainbow!
Here is one of my middle school girls as Miss Autumn.
Here’s winter / snow.
Next we have a poor boy who went in the sun and forgot his sunscreen. Great job with the pretend sun burn!
Here’s a storm cloud and rain.
And here is a tornado!
This is another of my middle school students. She looked fantastic; the complete outfit didn’t last too long in this tropical weather though! It’s just too hot.